Agribot creates accessible technology that solves real-world problems in the Agri-food industry by providing early insight.
Real time data to underestand whats happening now
Climate forecasts;
long range extreme weather alerts
Understand what climate change means for a specific field
Real time data to underestand whats happening now
Climate forecasts;
long range extreme weather alerts
Understand what climate change means for a specific field
We use and develop of computer systems in our work flow without following explicit instructions.
Satellite data are a unique resource farmers can use to help them keep watch over this vast acreage.
We use and develop of computer systems in our work flow without following explicit instructions.
Cloud cover is the single biggest issue when using satellites
We produce insights, not just data
Avoid missing data at critical phenological phases
Climate change will only magnify the cloud cover issue
Areas that enjoyed good coverage will see a decrease
Some areas could have no coverage
The worlds weather is changing at pace with more extreme weather expected in many areas.
Many are aware of global changes however very few known what it means for their fields and assets.
Answer question such as;
Better understand future weather conditions when choosing crop seeds